Mini Cooper S 8-rib pulley kit
After many years of experience developing pulleys and race engines we are proud to announce our 8 RIB pulley KIT for your MINI.
When pushing the supercharger to its rpm limits the force to the belt is extremely high. On a redline, race or track day we want to avoid possible problems. Adding 2 more ribs to the existing pulley means 1/3 more surface to hold the strength. This means 1/3 more grip, less heat and what you really wish for – more boost and expanded life of your belt.
Track-tested pulley kit
We have been testing this Mini tuning pulley KIT for you since 2014 and we wish you to offer you only the best.
We are offering several options for you in this kit. We also have an air con delete option as a primary feature but for those who wish to use their air con even with our expanded 8 RIB kit we offer a solution and we transfer their air con pulley to a 8 RIB to use it with more boost.
We use only the best materials and we are using 2 bearings in each idler pulley for maximum holding strength from the belt.
If you planĀ on using the car on high rpm and wish to avoid problems with heat or belt slipping in your engine, this is the perfect KIT for you.
Where to buy?
We offer different sizes and options. Email us to check the availability of your size, system and delivery dates.
Contact us for more information.